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3608 Shannon Road, Suite 100
Durham NC, 27707
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Years ago – many, many, many years ago, Ann Cavallito, from Greensboro, North Carolina, decided to travel the world and live in a big city. San Francisco was the target with its stunning skyline, stellar restaurants and dazzling energy. After graduating from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a degree in Psychology (always helpful) and English, and then from North Carolina State University with a Masters degree in Guidance, Counseling and Personnel Services, the plan began to evolve. It was a simple plan: travel the world; work as a counselor for the Experiment in International Living; shepherd twelve self-indulged 16-17 year old co-eds during the summers through various adventures. One year’s experiment was mountain climbing in Switzerland near Zermatt; another year’s adventure was orienteering in Norway near the Hall of the Mountain King where they all nearly froze to death in a surprise July blizzard! The travel was remarkable; the part about chaperoning teenagers caused her to think seriously about formulating and moving to Plan “B.” There HAD to be another way!
That eye-opening experience, along with the tact and communication skills learned in order to survive a gaggle of teenagers, proved a catalyst for her ultimate career. A memorable life experience, similar to cat-wrangling, it provided an incentive to discover other, more stress-free, ways to expand her horizons. Traveling throughout Europe as well as Yugoslovia, Czechoslovakia, Greece and Tunisia and other points of the compass have always been an adventure for Ann. Meeting people from all walks of life; learning from new experiences; learning to be flexible and following the slogan of the Experiment in International Living: “Expect the Unexpected!” has been the cornerstone of her success. Traveling became a canvas to express her interest in photography and to address her curiosity about a myriad of things from nonverbal communications to negotiating a win-win transaction.
As years tumbled by, Ann decided that (taking a line from Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz) “There’s No Place Like Home!” While she found the beaches of Tahiti breathtaking, the views from Table Mountain in Cape Town unforgettable, the sunsets of Sabi Sand, accented by silhouettes of wildebeests and zebras, the majesty of the Pyramids in Giza, and the colonies of penguins in Antarctica extraordinary, living in Hillsborough, North Carolina was her preferred address. As a native North Carolinian, she has worked in the Triangle area in the graphics and marketing industry, the architectural/engineering business and has spent the last 28 years helping clients find just the right piece to complete their personal puzzle. Proximity to work? Recreation? Location? Investment value? Education? Entertainment? Whatever the intricate combination might be, Ann uses her skills learned through her various experiences to work with her clients to achieve the perfect blend of value and suitability.
Another facet of her business stems from her interest and love of horses. Her daughter, Lauren, rode through various levels of competition 3-day events to become selected for the North American Young Rider’s Team. Ann attends events and volunteers at various competitions to this day – and can be found, out standing in her field -- with her horse!
The Cavallito extended family includes John, her husband of 33 years, horses, a Great Pyrenees, two other dogs, one of which is an English foxhound/shepherd mix who wandered up to their house on a cold Christmas Eve and the other is a chow/shepherd mix the family rescued from the pound, plus a Siamese cat and a resident woodland bat. The total combined animal weight (excluding the bat!) is impressive.
It’s a busy life, but one filled with adventure, a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs and one that’s totally enjoyed, each day, one day at a time! Give Ann a call to discuss real estate questions, or you can visit her on her websites.
www.cavallito.com or www.pscp.com
Ann Cavallito, Broker/Partner